Sunday 29 March 2009

What to do?

How do we tell someone something that we know will break their heart, but something they need to know?

How many of you have been screwed over? Whether by a friend, a boyfriend, a family member, or even someone you work with?

Sometimes we go through life in our own way. We live how we want to live, we do what we want to do, we know our limits. We know those close to us, we know the ones we care for, admire, and cherish. How is it that one day, things just, change? And people's perceptions of you become different, for no clear reasoning.

There is reasoning. It's always deep down below the surface, and it's not until it's too late that you realise why. The reasoning is always down to one of the following; jealousy, guilt or regret.

Being screwed over by someone close to you, always makes you wonder what you did wrong. You never think it's something someone else did. What about losing a best friend? A friend you loved and cared for, but lost contact with for reaons unknown to you. The fact her other half had somehow turned the tables on you so you are the one at fault.

To have your friend, betray you and your best friend by coming on to you, confuses you, and messes with your mind. You push them away, because you don't want it... but nevertheless, they keep trying. However, it's you that gets the blame. If you could only tell them the truth, if you could only make them see the mistake they were making... Is it too late? Maybe, just maybe, it isn't too late yet...

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