Thursday 29 January 2009


Everyone makes mistakes, some are able to be made right, some aren't. You never realise how much you miss something, or someone until you leave them behind. I made the mistake of taking someone for granted. Although people may think that as a family, mine are all very close, to an extent, maybe, but not as much as they think.

For years I have taken my mum and dad for granted, I guess I've just been lucky that I've always had them. They've always been there for me, through everything. It wasn't until tonight when I realised, just how much my mum means to me. I had the most indepth talk on the phone with her, and I can't even find words to say how nice it was to hear her voice, and have someone to talk to so much. I know I can tell her anything, I've just always chosen not to, but tonight, something changed.

I had never wanted to talk her so much in all my life, the one person I can trust with everything, one I know can help me, cheer me up when I'm down, have a laugh with, and tell my secrets to. Tonight I realised that my mum means everything to me, and I love her so much. I regret making the mistake of taking her for granted. Mum, I love you <3. Thank you for tonight, and thank you for always being there.

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